Thursday 31 January 2013

Pain in my Feet

The room was dark
The curtains drawn
As I gazed out
Onto the lawn

My fingertips
Were grasping sheet
As pain spread out
All through my feet

Then up my body
With spidery hands
The pain advances
And somehow expands

But outside my window
The world is bright
Outside my window
Everything is right

I’m watching, then, as the man meets his girl
Spinning her around in a grandiose twirl
He kisses her lightly upon her nose
She kisses him gently on her tippy toes

The rain starts to fall in an uncaring way
Bathing the lovers in its dreary spray
They break apart suddenly, angry and cross
And I am left reeling and at quite a loss

They argue for ages, their voices so loud-
Apparently the man is not amply endowed-
I want to shout out, “Don’t scuffle! Don’t fight!”
But my voice is too soft, my lungs too slight.

Then, just as abruptly, the rain simply halts
And the lovers cannot remember the faults
That started the argument in the first place
And they end the fight in a loving embrace

My room is so empty
My future so dark
And I know I will never
Feel the same spark

That the lovers do
Out there in the street
And I am left lying
With pain in my feet

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