Thursday 31 January 2013

Getting the Word Out

So those last three pieces were for the 'Getting the Word Out' assignment, where I was supposed to publish three or more bits of my writing on the internet. Poof. Done. Bam. Success. Hope you liked them.

That's my happy dance. If I could tap dance. And was a man. With beautiful abs. But I'm not. And that's still my happy dance. Don't ruin my happy dance. I will cut you.

Just kidding, guys. Just kidding.

Or am I?

Anyway, the last part of the assignment is to write a thoughtful learning journal type thing... I'm not sure how that's going to go, but I'm going to try my darndest. Riiiiight now! Riiiiiight here! Poof:

It's funny, but going through the stuff I've written for this class left me with a mixture of 'Did I really write that? Because, that's actually... pretty good...' or 'That was a terrible prompt. I did pretty well considering.' to 'Holy crapoli, that was terrible. I am ashamed of my life.' The roller coaster of emotions was hard to contain, but it was mostly good. I had trouble narrowing down my favorite pieces, and even had to leave some off. So, in general, that part was pretty cool.

I guess I'll tell you why I chose those pieces now... okay, well, here goes!

I picked the first one, about my need to get out of our tiny town, mainly because it's true. I have really conflicting emotions about Parksville. On one hand, I love the fact that, completely by chance, I live within a fifteen minute walking distance of the two people I hang out with after school. I adore that I can just saunter into town without fearing assault, browse the cute stores, and then walk home without any problems. And of course, there is nothing better than being in a show or something, and then having ten or twenty people recognize you in the grocery store. These are feelings that I wouldn't ever want to give up.

But, and I know by doing this I risk sounding a lot like I'm in Fiddler on the Roof, on the other hand, I want a better public transportation system. I want a surplus of malls with hundreds of stores. I want big theatres, buskers, huge libraries filled with millions of books. I want museums and....

I want the city.

I like that writing piece because it is one of the most honest things I've written. And I wanted to share it on the internet because I think it is me. Essentially. It's how I think, how I talk, what I think.... It's all in there. So, enjoy!

I picked the Shameful Shop one because I just... sort of love it. Nothing deep, or personal.... just, pure emotion. And it's silly. You can never have too much silly.

The third one is also very... me. I wrote it right after a really weird romantic relationship I was in during the summer ended abruptly and without my knowledge (I know. It was weird), where I never really got to say stuff that I was thinking. So  I used the medium of this class to express my feelings. It was really weird to read it again. I mean, I'd never been in any sort of romance before this summer... so when it ended, weirdly and awkwardly, I didn't know what was going on. This writing thing was sort of an emotional release. I needed to do it. And it turned into a pretty good piece of dialogue, so I posed it here.

I edited every one of these before posting, trying to make them better. The first two were easy, but the third one... well, it was weird. I changed the names of some of the books, and altered some dialogue. It was strange, because I wrote that at the beginning of the year, and my writing style has subtly changed since. Twas odd.

So, I'm not quite sure if this is the right kind of learning journal. But it is what I've been thinking over the past while, during the editing, choosing, and publishing bits of this journey. Stay tuned for the next TEN pieces I have to post for the next assignment. Those ones are going to be freaking amazing.

Till then,

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