Friday 1 February 2013

I Apologize Most Profusely

I’m sorry.
I apologize.
I am wrenched with remorse.
My emotions bubble and boil with the extent of my act of contrition.
My regret knows no bounds, along with my overwhelming urge to never stop apologizing.
I can never forgive myself.
The thought is unthinkable.
I’m sorry I even mentioned it in the first place,
Because that means I thought it,
Which makes the unthinkable thing…
Seriously, though.
I’m sorry.
I didn’t mean to eat your jam.
It looked nice
And I didn’t think you wanted it.
So I ate it.
With an English muffin.
Which is a tasty combination.
But I am still prostrate with repentance and sorrow.
As should all people be who darest consumeth thine holy pot of delicious jam.
A sin for which I am eternally and perpetually submissive and considered a worthless human being.
I’m not making fun of your idiotic raging at all.
I’d never do that.
Never ever.
Well, maybe sometimes.
But you have to admit, I did a pretty good job of it.
A real apology?
I’m not really all that sorry.
The jam was delicious
And ran down my throat like golden honey.
It tasted of strawberries and sunshine,
A beautiful face on a summer’s day,
That time when I spent ten minutes apologizing for something unbelievably stupid
And enjoyed every minute of the increasingly eloquent and expressive expression of regret.
It tasted of overwhelming awesome.
So I’m

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